Peter Mac Askill, Isle of Berneray, Outer Hebrides, Scotland
I met Peter on a rainy day in August. He had taken his 25 year old landrover into pieces. Parts, screws and bolts were everywhere besides the road. The other day he had been out driving on the sea sands at low tide. The car got stuck in the mud and Peter had to abandon it to the tide coming in. At the next low tide he went with his old tractor and pulled the landrover which hade been totally inundated by the sea back to the land. When I met Peter, the Landrover's motor was hanging from the tractor. Peter was underneath the car. The elctronics had been devastated by the salt water. But Peter was sure he would get his old friend moving again. A week later I met Peter driving over the island in the old Landrover.
Berneray car repair